Sunday, April 12, 2009

just a taste of 26.2

Dinner: walnut crusted salmon with oven roasted potatoes and prosciutto wrapped asparagus.

the alarm went off way before the sun came up.

Breakfast: water, sprouted wheat bagel with peanut butter and kelly's delicious homemade fig jam. coffee (i neeed it), and then more water.

and this is what I packed for the run:

Luna sport pomegranate moons and a chocolate larabar.

I definitely hit my wall at around 22 miles. I wasn't so much hungry as I was looking to take my mind off of the pain I felt in my legs, so I finished off the bag of Luna Moon chews and continued on for a few more miles.

After 5 hours of running this morning, I'm feeling pretty exhausted. I spent most of the day selfishly napping in all of the sunny spots of the house.

now it's time for a steak and some lasagna.

1 comment:

Taylor Quimby said...

That walnutty-salmon business looks incredible. Can you pop one in an envelope and mail it to Keene?