Do you remember counting down the last few seconds of 2008 and welcoming the New Year? That sense of rebirth? The glorious wave of relief coursing through your veins when you start over? What did you propose as your "resolution"? Save more money? Shed those holiday pounds? Use up some of that vacation time? Run a marathon?
Oh, by the way...
How's it going with that?
I'm not so good with New Years resolutions. I certainly dream of having it all... my health, a well fed savings account, weekend getaways, a working car, land in Montana, glowing skin, peace of mind, and a fired up social life.
But let's be honest's just too hard to have all my ducks in a row. Work is stressful and I'm tired when I come home, so I'm lucky if I even get a shower in before I head back the next day. By Wednesday, dinner looks like tortilla chips and cold pasty noodles because I can't afford a microwave, and my dog is glaring at me because it's been a few days since she's been to the beach. The shame is too much to bear when I'm this cranky so I force myself to take a nap, hoping that things will be better when I wake up.
(they never are)
So please take my advice, and don't be so hard on yourself if those resolutions fell to the back burner! Life is hard!
Fellow blogger at The Kim Challenge is in the habit of making monthly resolutions and stickin' to em. A month is a far less overwhelming time frame to work with when you're needing to change a deeply ingrained behavior. So if you're feeling guilty for not being as superhuman as you thought you'd be by now, why don't you try a smaller goal? Baby steps, right?
This month, I've been inspired to make my own april resolution to soak up as much spring sunshine as possible! Spring officially started last month...but I didn't feel it until this past weekend at Big Sur. The wildflowers were in full bloom, the sun was shining, and there were SWARMS of butterflies!
That means,
Media Detox. (sorry Tina Fey...but we need to take a break.)
1. No more mindless surfing on the internet after work. It's pretty much sunny all the time here, and I sit in front of a computer all day long. There is no excuse to not be outside after the whistle blows. I am always a much happier person when I get more fresh air and sunshine.
2. This means getting a full night's rest so I'm not craving a nap after work...and missing out on crucial daylight hours. When we set up camp last weekend we shared some smores at the fire and then went straight to bed. It was probably 9 or 10 by the time we were asleep...and we were up by 7/7:30 without an alarm and feeling fully refreshed. I do enjoy watching marathons of the Office and 30 Rock, but I think it's making me lose sleep.
3. What better way to enjoy spring than with plenty of running?! With less than a month to go before the marathon, there's really no way out of this one!
Unlike most detoxes, this media cleanse will include blog updates.
don't leave out our team blog before you go on media detox!! :)
You know you're right. This month, I'm resolving to make more than one resolution next month. (no seriously, I need to stop effin' around on the net too.)
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