Friday, May 30, 2008


Hello and welcome to my running blog! Here you will find a daily food and exercise breakdown of a youngish girl training for her first marathon.

A friend of mine on the east coast will be flying out in april 2009 to run the Big Sur International Marathon with me.
Sure, this is quite a ways away (almost a whole year!), but running 26.2 miles takes a lot of work...and to be honest, I'm pretty sPOOOked at the thought of running this distance.
Big Sur is my favorite place in the whole world, but it's certainly hilly, and the gusts coming off of the pacific can be brutal and unrelenting.

This is me looking tough:
Here are some things about me that you may not know:
I have a wonderful dog named ginger, who also likes to run with me. The most she's ever run is 9 miles.

This is her looking tough:
I really enjoy watching, making, and reading about film, a good hike, and spending time with my family. My favorite meat is lamb, and seafood is salmon.
I really like cashews, and last week devoured an entire bag in 3 days.
I would like to one day start a band called "zombie moshpit".
I would like to one day make a film about an overzealous aerobics guru who saves the world from zombie invasion with his/her chart topping zombie workout video. (zombies don't have the same muscle building/tearing efficiencies as us humans do...hence all the lumbering about. surely some exercise would save the human race from a doomingcatastrophicallysoullesssandssexy flesh party)
i would like it if zombie moshpit would provide the music for the work out video.
But wait! there is no time for pitching movies on here!
I've got miles to run, pushes to up, and omegas to 3!
Welcome to my blog!

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